June flew by so quickly, with the record-breaking heatwave pushing us to our limits; we all struggled to keep cool and keep our plants thriving.
Here is a list of short garden tasks for July:
1. Keep weeds under control. Weeds do rob your plants of nutrients and water.
2. Water wisely. Avoid overhead watering when possible.
3. Trellis and train your beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes, among other crops.
4. Prune your tomatoes for better air circulation. There is a technique to this type of pruning. Consult resources such as the Master Gardeners publications or Tilth resources.
See these links for articles on tomatoes and cucumbers.
5. Harvest spent spring crops like spinach, lettuce, radishes, etc... It is not too late to plant summer crops in their place.
6. Mulch any beds you are not actively using with the free leaves in the front of the garden. Mulching will protect your soil.
7. If you must spray chemicals, only spray chemicals when pollinators are resting, early in the morning or near sunset.
